
RMAA needs your help in order to continue our mission to reduce the number of homeless animals in New Hampshire and western Maine.

Together we can make a difference….Please consider a tax-deductible donation today!

Ways to Donate


Monetary Donation

Donate by sending a check to:

Rozzie May Animal Alliance
PO Box 1756
Conway, NH 03818

Donate through Paypal

If you would like to make a donation by credit or debit card you can do so via paypal.

Donate Supplies

Select items or supplies from our wish list to help support clinic operations. This donation helps us directly every day and we so appreciate it!
Wish List

Amazon Smile

Do you use Amazon? Did you know you can go to and be sure to select Rozzie May Animal Alliance as your non-profit charity of choice!
Each time you shop Amazon, simply go to and a small portion of every purchase online will be sent to RMAA and there is no cost to you nor is there a difference in pricing. It’s a great way to help by just doing your normal shopping online! Every small amount helps us to continue to support our mission.

Other Ways to Contribute



Fill out and mail your Tribute form with your check or credit card donation. Tribute Gifts can be made in memory of, or in honor of, a pet or loved one. A card will be sent to a loved one and the tribute will be noted on our website.

Gift of Stocks, Bonds, Mutual Fund Shares, and Other Securities

Alternative ways to give that can benefit both you and Rozzie May Animal Alliance.

Charitable Gift Annuities

If you are a senior citizen or retiree, you can transfer real estate or marketable securities to Rozzie May Animal Alliance.


Include Rozzie May Animal Alliance in your will, trust or with a beneficiary designation.

Retirement Distribution

Name RMAA as your Life Insurance Beneficiary

Email for information on donations of stock, bequests and other types of giving.